Digidoo – an exercise in Embodied Interaction
Digidoo, an experimental electronic musical instrument, designed to use skill and real world weight and manipulation to control generated sound.
Enaut Arratibel
Pak Wing Man
and me
Concept Development
In my masters, I participated in an Embodied Interaction module (a week-long course), and worked on this product. We really liked the feel of an actual weight turning inside a ball we had, and we managed to translate this feeling into an interactive device that not just related to movement, but required actual skill and practice to interact with. What I really like about this is that it shows that there can be deeper interactions that are still very meaningful, by making use of the human’s inherent capabilities of handling physical objects, but by requiring skill allowing for richer interaction and satisfaction. I also loved the fact that the three of us were only able to get some noise out of it (the video is how it works, but none of us were that good at handling it), while during the presentation a person who had never used it before after a few tries managed to interact with it such that it produced sound in total control, like in the video.